Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

The next project for the mister

Perhaps you saw this photo on the Visual Vamp when I won the Amanda Talley giveaway.  This is my living room.  The painting will replace those candles, I cannot wait.  But let's pan over a little to the right shall we?

A little further...

There.  This is what we call the nook.  It is a hideous little indentation in my living room.  If you sit on one of those cheap Target chairs you cannot see the person sitting on the end of the couch by my new Amanda Talley painting.  (soon to come, of course I will post a pic when it gets here)

Additionally, the ceiling in the nook is tile.  The kind you find in an old classroom.  Bad, bad, very bad.  Furthermore the seals on the glass have been compromised, and so the window is  foggy.  Fugly.  All things I thought we would replace pronto when we moved in.  Guess what, 2.5 years later....right, not changed.  So here is what I am thinking.  I have eased the mister into wallpaper.  He did pretty well.  I want to paper the nook.  The ugly tiles and all. It won't take much paper so I could get some good stuff.   And then, wait for it....I am thinking window seat.
image borrowed from Ally at From the Right Bank

I can't fit a couch there anyway, and those chairs are sorry and should be put out of their misery. (with some sunbrella fabric for my porch).  I love how this seat extends beyond the window and has a built in place for a lamp.  I also like how the window frame is painted black here.  Can you paint just one window frame black when the rest of the woodwork is white?  Seriously, I am asking, can you?

Let's review:  Amanda Talley painting, on it's way.
                   Target chairs = bad.
                   Window seats make me happy.
                   Wallpaper for a nook , good idea or bad?
                   Black trim on window, pros and cons.


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