Senin, 12 April 2010

Chalkboard Paint Update

Mack's awful bifold doors before.

Mack's door after.  I tried to pan out a bit to show you more of the room, but it is so small and my camera so sucks.

I know Pluto is not a technically not a planet anymore, but his solar system only came with 8 planets.  Not cool.  The song I taught him from "They Might Be Giants" is already outdated.  Comment if you know what that means.

Five is a great age.  He sleeps with his baby blanket, Roary the Lion,  and his basketball.

Moving around the room you can see his school house map, that was a wedding gift from my bff, he loves to change the maps and it makes his room look different whenever he wants.  He also has a map of a SCUBA trip his daddy once took.  He loves the fact that his daddy swam with sharks.

The last side of his room shows his art table.  Daddy used old maps and decoupage to revamp an old ugly table that we got from a coworker.  It is my favorite part of his room.  He also has a globe collection, (on top of very un-staged shelves)  he loves to find new places on them.  When asked what his favorite part of the room was he said, "the blue paint, because I am a boy".  A boy that misses his dog.

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