Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Rain Garden

I want to build a rain garden.  Have you heard of them?  You put it in a low spot, it fills with rain from your yard or roof , you plant native plants that can tolerate standing water and voila! Rain garden.  But gardening is never Voila!  It takes time and patience.  I have neither.  I like the instant gratification of interior decorating better.  But I want a beautiful yard so I am going to try to learn me some patience.  I can hear my mom and husband snickering.  Now rain gardens are not manicured and symmetrical and not always so beautiful, but once established they are pretty and eco-friendly and better than a mud puddle, and supposedly low maintenance.  The first three images are not rain gardens per say, but Martha gardens and the kind of the messy overgrown look I like.  The second two images are actual rain gardens in Minnesota and probably a more realistic goal for me.  Do you have a rain garden?

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