Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

call of duty black ops map pack 2

call of duty black ops map pack 2. What makes Call of the Dead
  • What makes Call of the Dead

  • smiley
    Mar 19, 11:07 AM
    I appreciate what DVD Jon did to help Linux owners watch dvds, but this is going to far. I hope Apple come up with a fix for this, and soon.

    How is this going farther than DeCSS for DVD's?

    Last I checked, Linux users couldn't use iTunes DRM'd songs on Linux either. How is this different from the DVD cracker? Its purpose is to use digital files LEGALLY PURCHASED on a device of the purchaser's choice.

    The only differences here are that 1) the offending company is Apple, and 2) The iTunes Music Store's terms of service agreement. By using Jon's tool, you KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY are violating an agreement that you yourself agreed to.

    I never signed away my rights to play a DVD on Linux when I bought it, for example, so DeCSS has a tiny bit more of a leg to stand on.

    But, this certainly isn't "going too far"

    YMAMV (Your moral ambiguity may vary)

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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 10:54 PM
    Of course you do. I agree completely. Obviously the poster is exaggerating. I assume he means that the editors he speaks of aren't techno geeks like a lot of us here on MacRumors.

    I seem to have misspoken. I meant they don't need to know the acute technical details of their software.

    Right, Apple lowered the barrier to entry so that people can GET STARTED more quickly.... and all the so-called "professionals" (in their own mind) are now declaring that they have removed all depth from the product, eliminated %90 of the features (based on what? their own ignorance about what was shown?)....

    and are insisting that if it is easier to GET STARTED, it therefore cannot have the depth of features to do ADVANCED work.

    It is nonsense.

    It is the kind of nonsense attitude you see whenever Apple introduces something new.

    Hell, people were saying the same stuff about iMovie back in 2006 and they are using the nonsense about iMovie as "evidence" that Apple is "doing it again" with Final Cut!


    you know what?

    Someone is always saying something stupid on the internet.

    The sad thing is, the people who don't know any better, they believe these "professionals" and think they are "experts".

    You can go into any camera store...

    You can go into any bar...

    You can go to any gun range...

    You can go into any hobby or area of mild technical expertise...

    and find self important, experts-in-their-own-mind who are derisive of whatever is new.

    Guys who think they seem more macho by denigrating things they don't understand.

    These people are not cool.

    They are not to be admired.

    And they certainly aren't worth taking advice from!

    After all, they are the same ones who thought Windows was so much better than Mac OS!

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. lack ops map pack 2 pictures.
  • lack ops map pack 2 pictures.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 10:49 AM
    Yes. What part of it is a result of a scientific study?
    I guess none of it resulted from a scientific study, but at least tests show that the relic contained human blood.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • EricNau
    Sep 20, 08:28 PM
    Where's that number coming from?

    For simplicity let's make it an even $160 and assume 4 week/month. That's $40/week of TV Shows = 20 unique shows per week = ~3 episodes/day. This assumes no season/series discounts.

    Don't forget that for cable/satellite, you still pay for it regardless if the show you want to watch is a rerun, so perhaps a better way to look at it is seasons of shows. The typical weekly show has 13-26 episodes/season and thus would be available at iTMS for $25-$50/year. Assuming the typical $55 cable bill you cite, this could easily add up to 12-24 seasons of shows per year (depending on # of episodes & discounts).

    At $150/month you'd be able to buy 36-72 different seasons of shows from iTunes throughout the year. That's a boatload of TV.

    I was assuming this "family of four" included younger kids (possibly one age 4 and one age 9). ...They do watch a boatload of TV. Between the two of them they could easily watch 8 different series.

    Now for the parents...
    I would assume they each have one or two daily show(s) that they like to watch (which is where I was counting most of the monthly cost). For example, "The Daily Show" is $20 a month multiplied by 3 different shows, equals $60/month. Plus, it would also be expected that they should watch a few series (probably at least 5 between the two).

    Perhaps it was a exaggeration, but I think I proved my original point that buying your TV shows from iTunes could easily exceed your monthly cable bill (maybe not for a single person, but once you get a whole family watching TV, it isn't that hard).

    ...Plus, how do you get your local/national news and sports shows? ...and no, news & sports "highlights" from iTunes don't count.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. Black Ops map pack 2?
  • Black Ops map pack 2?

  • jayducharme
    Oct 7, 05:04 PM
    I have no doubt Android will surpass the iPhone in terms of user numbers. Will it surpass in quality? That remains to be seen...

    Even if it does surpass in the number of users, since when has Apple been solely concerned about numbers? Quality of design really does seem to be an obsession with Apple. When the iPhone was first released, didn't Jobs state that he would be happy with 1% of the cell phone market? He's already surpassed that. Just as with their computers, Apple has never positioned itself as a mass market brand for everybody. They have opened the floodgates on the smart phone market, but I don't think they ever intended to dominate it. They simply want to provide the best experience, and that in turn brings them discriminating customers.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • DeathChill
    Apr 21, 12:08 AM
    It skews the number non the less. iOS is on four different devices the iTv, iPod touch, iphone, and the ipod touch jumbo. And google doesn't make any hardware. They work with companies to have them made like the nexus series.
    It's not skewing the number at all because that's the addressable market for any developer developing on iOS.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • -aggie-
    May 5, 10:40 AM
    AT&T's plan worked brilliantly.

    They put me through a year where about 40% of my calls got dropped and then fixed it so only about 5% get dropped now.

    So even though that's worse than the other carriers I am personally thrilled with that number.

    So...good plan, AT&T!

    I'm in your area, but out in the boonies. I've never had a dropped call.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • spicyapple
    Sep 25, 11:36 PM
    Did anyone listen to TWiT? Someone mentioned 80 cores. Clovertown, your days are numbered. ;)

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. Black Ops Map Pack 2.
  • Black Ops Map Pack 2.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:18 PM
    I think it's pretty safe to say that Nicolosi is anti-gay.
    What does "anti-gay" mean? Is it a vague synonym for "homophobic?"

    But I do think there is a place in this world for therapists to work with people who feel conflicted with their sexual orientation. Heck, we accept that people can change gender ... why not sexual preference as well? In either case it's important that this would come from the patient's desire to change and not from the therapists desire to change them.
    I agree: There's a place for that kind of therapy. I even know people who felt conflicted about their sexual orientation. Unfortunately, the conflict caused them some of the severest emotional pain I could imagine.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • DakotaGuy
    Oct 9, 10:11 PM
    I headed into the city after I was done teaching today and decided to go into the Gateway Country store and check out the new PC's. They are FAST and XP does seem just as nice as OSX. The guy quoted me some great prices as well. I want an all in one so I am looking at getting a new Profile. The guy told me that it is a lot faster then the iMac because the iMac has only 800MHz and even the cheapest Profile has a 1.7 Ghz processor. I use a computer at home for things like internet, email, digital photography, MP3's, etc. He showed me how great XP handles all of that stuff. I was impressed, before everyone slams the PC they really should go out and check out the new ones running XP.

    Like I said before I never considered getting a PC, but after reading comments over and over by people on here I can see their point on what computer is becoming a better value for people like me who use a computer like I do.

    It will probably be about a year until I get a new computer, I feel comfortable with the Mac and I do like OSX, but they seem like they are becoming poorer and poorer machines. My magical price point is around $1200-$1500 and I can't go over that. Like I said before it will probably be a year before I actually upgrade my desktop. I love my iBook and won't part with that, but I might try a Profile for a new desktop. I like the new eMac for the price, but by next year the eMac might be at 1 GHz but the Profile will probably be at 3Ghz and it just seems like a very poor value for the price.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • Mattie Num Nums
    May 2, 09:26 AM
    So make it unsafe, it's not a rocket science, cowboy.

    You're awfully sensitive about this issue, chief.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • Grimace
    Jul 11, 10:01 PM
    My credit card is ready! I would love a machine to make Aperture a little more zippy.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. Call of Duty: Black Ops First
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops First

  • Jason Beck
    May 3, 06:35 PM
    Someone link us some malware and viruses for OSX so we can have a looksie.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. Call of Duty Black Ops TDM
  • Call of Duty Black Ops TDM

  • gugy
    Sep 12, 03:26 PM
    I think it's a great device.
    The big question is about if the wireless transmission is good enough.
    I had Airtunes and it was horrible using it from 40 feet from my computer to my living room. I don't have brick walls.
    I guess it's safe now to buy Elgato use as PVR and transmit the show wirelessly to ITV hookup up to my TV.
    That's sweet!:)

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. Black Ops Escalation Map Pack
  • Black Ops Escalation Map Pack

  • ender land
    Apr 23, 04:30 PM
    This makeup of this forum's members intrigues mean slightly. Why are most of the posters here Atheists? Is it part of the Mac using demographic, the Internet in general's demographic, or are Atheists just the most interested in Politics, Religon, and Social Issues?

    A possible reason is that any time someone puts forth a theistic belief they get mocked, trolled, laughed at, ganged up against in threads, etc. The overall PRSI attitude of "religion is wrong, the only way to go forward or intelligent is to become free of religion" probably does not help any.

    I do not bother actively putting forth my theistic beliefs because I have absolutely zero desire to waste my time arguing with people I will not ever meet in person. Not to mention I do not waste time arguing over anything - I wil have a discussion fine, but 99% of online "religion" threads are not discussions but rather a "you are wrong LOL IDIOT" fest. No thanks.

    I have personally thought through my beliefs extensively (likely more and more frequently than most of you have thought through your respective beliefs) and have no need for someone else to tell me I have not or am mindlessly following a system I grew up in or am less intelligent. Especially considering I am not mindlessly religious, I did not grow up religious, and according to all standards of the USA I am quite intelligent.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 10:32 PM
    Because it is the third longest example of drift on PRSI (for now) and since appleguy123 started that one, of course he wants it to continue.

    Caught! :D
    Knowing how the PRSI works one naive bump could help me achieve the record.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • jk8311
    Sep 12, 04:53 PM
    As an IT consultant, I recommend for anyone who's thinking of using an Airport Express for audio or a Mac Mini for a living room computer (or now this new iTV that will come out next year) to just spend the money on getting a wired connection. Ultimately, wireless will not be at the quality it needs to be to handle this throughput CONSISTENTLY. I still get skips on my Airpot Express when streaming from iTunes. When I had my Mac Mini wireless and I tried using Front Row to watch movies from other computers (similar to what iTV is supposed to do) it had a real spotty connection sometimes. The consistency and reliability of a wired connection is yet to be paralleled with anything else.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • Hisdem
    Mar 15, 01:39 PM
    Are you drunk?

    Looks like it. And BTW, I don't think the Japanese people would think leaving their homeland and going to the USA is a good idea. Not saying they don't like the US, but generally, just generally, people tend to care more about their own countries and cultures than about the American ones. Just saying.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • D4F
    Apr 28, 09:44 AM
    Isn't this misleading? It says 'shipped' not 'sold' so I assume basically it's a bogus report. You can ship all the crappy tablets you want..doesn't mean they sold.

    I'm trying to find more on it but as far as i've read somewhere apple's data is always on units shipped including those that were used as warranty replacements (pretty much they count one as two in this case) for example. Waaay stretched in my opinion.

    Jul 12, 03:45 PM
    For people to view conroe as a lesser chip in some way smacks of mac snobbery and I tend to agree with him.

    ...but they are a lesser chip in some ways (more so if you also consider the chipset)...

    (not forgetting AMD in the following... just trying to keep it simple... also note when I say Conroe or Woodcrest I am also implying different class of chipsets)

    The simple fact is workstation class systems from most vendors (in recent history) are usually based on Xeon (now Woodcrest) CPUs with 2 sockets (if not more) while desktop class systems from most vendors are are based on Pentium 4/D (soon Conroe) CPUs with 1 socket.

    So the question is will Apple replace the PowerMac G5 with a true workstation class system, or will they split the PowerMac into a desktop tower and workstation with the former using Conroe and the later using Woodcrest, or will they use Conroe only (and for the moment not have a quad core system), etc.

    Historically I have stated that Apple will use Conroe in a PowerMac replacement and wait for Kentsfield to bring back the quad (doing that would give them great performance and price point)... but looking at the timing of things now (and Intel price drops) I am starting to believe either Apple will go all Woodcrest for the PowerMac (truly make it a workstation class system) or go all Woodcrest for a workstation Mac and bring out a lower end tower that uses Conroe.

    Mar 11, 07:20 PM
    I pray that this will not turn into another Chernobyl situation.

    Mar 18, 02:22 PM
    According to Corante.com (http://www.corante.com/copyfight/archives/2005/03/17/johansen_creates_drmfree_interface_to_itunes.php), from the same authors of QTFairUse (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2003/11/20031122001549.shtml), comes what is described as "the fair interface to the iTunes Music Store". The application called PyMusique (http://fuware.nanocrew.net/pymusique/) acts as a front end for the iTunes Music Store and allows users to preview iTunes songs, signup for an account, buy songs and redownload songs that were bought with PyMusique.

    The most notable twist is this quote from Jon Johansen ("DVD Jon"), one of the authors of the application:

    It is somewhat interesting from a DMCA/EUCD perspective. The iTunes Music Store actually sells songs without DRM. While iTunes adds DRM to your purchases, PyMusique does not.

    Note: This application has been untested by this site, and Apple will likely take steps to prevent future usage.

    Mar 14, 08:30 PM
    So, if they have a serious meltdown situation, the whole site could become so contaminated that no one who wants to live more than a few hours will be able to get anywhere near the other cores to keep the hoses on them? It would seem like one meltdown will take the rest of them with it, in a sort of chain reaction.

    Yeah, the folks living in the western US are really looking forward to the "divine wind" from Japan.

    Well, I don't think they expect any explosion of the cap spewing a volcano of radioactive metal like Chernobol. If anything, worse case is they build a structure arround it like in Chernobol and hope the radioactive stuff doesn't seep into the water when it melts into the ground.

    Theoretically, if the geography allows, I would presume they can dig arround and under the reactor and build some form of shield structure and leave it like that forever. Or until technology allows a real cleanup in the future.

    Apr 24, 12:29 AM
    Where does the Bible say that we have free will? Did not God predefine all actions?

    Also, why does everything in the universe operate as if there were no god(evolution, big bang, evil, starvation)? Is God lazy?

    If the bible really taught that God predetermined everything, wouldn't that mean that God intended for Adam and Eve to sin, resulting in thousands of years of turmoil for humans? If God had everything already planned, what would be the point of sending his son Jesus to the earth? If he knew Jesus would remain perfect and die in that state, it would completely defeat the purpose. Jesus' death balanced the scales that were tipped by the first man and woman sinning against God and ultimately dying. If God already planned for Jesus to succeed and return to heaven, it wouldn't have been a sacrifice. It would just mean that God was orchestrating this entire history of human kind for some unknown reason. That doctrine completely contradicts the entire premise of Christianity and the bible.

    Regarding your second comment, doesn't that point equally support the argument that there really is a God? I understand what you're saying, but I'm not sure it excludes the possibility of intelligent design. You said everything operates as if there was no God, but isn't it possible that God put everything in motion perfectly, not requiring recurring involvement? (The bible doesn't teach that God is responsible for the turmoil in the world. It cites man's actions as the originator of these problems. I'm not implying that God set man's problems in motion.)

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