Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Every Rose Has It's Thorn

So do something like this instead fellas.

or this

this would make any girl happy, am I right ladies?  I personally don't care to get flowers on Valentines Day.  As a surprise on a random Tuesday?  Yes, please.  

Girls just really want to know that our fella was thinking of us, and not stopping at Walgreens on the way home for  a rose from the bucket by the door.  You don't have to buy jewelry, try looking up a love poem online and copying it in your own handwriting on some nice paper  (be sure to credit the author).  Or get some artisan chocolate, not Hershey's Jon, from a hot local chocolatier.  Or do as  my husband did, and get her a puppy.  Puppies say I love you, I am committed to you, I want to clean up poop with you.  Now that is love.

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