Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Concept phone Butterfly

Here are the regular phone concept, the so-called Butterfly. It is a horizontal slider (similar to the Nokia Communicator) c two sensory AMOLED displays. Lower display can be a touch keyboard, but the ceiling is actually higher. The phone is a Wi-Fi, a music player, SVGA camera slot for SD cards. But more than this wonderful concept phone, it is that its author, Andrew Kim, still learning at school and him 15 years. Well done for the children, is not it? However, the guy is not the first time testing themselves in the role of the designer and to continue to go down this road. Well, wish him luck!

If there’s one thing I hate more than kids, it’s kids who are so damn talented that they make me want to strangle myself with the nearest USB lead because my own puny skills pale in weak comparison. Latest to inspire thoughts of bus-powered suicide is Andrew Kim, a 15-year-old aspiring designer who posted concept images of a very clever cellphone design he calls Butterfly to the Product Design forums, only to be overwhelmed by the amount of praise from some of the more seasoned pen-toters there.

Butterfly is a horizontal slider with dual AMOLED touch-screens, which opens biased to an angle so as to give the familiar Nokia Communicator-style format. The lower screen then acts as a keypad for dialling and messaging, while you’ve got a broad top screen for web-browsing.

Andrew also envisages a user-replaceable li-ion battery, QVGA camera, SD slot and WiFi, and has even gone so far as to craft screenshots of the UI. It’s no afterthought, either - a beguiling blend of iPhone, Helio and PSP interfaces that uses taps and drags.

Thankfully Andrew is looking into design schools, so hopefully all this natural talent won’t go to waste!

Here are the regular phone concept, the so-called Butterfly. It is a horizontal slider (similar to the Nokia Communicator) c two sensory AMOLED displays. Lower display can be a touch keyboard, but the ceiling is actually higher. The phone is a Wi-Fi, a music player, SVGA camera slot for SD cards. But more than this wonderful concept phone, it is that its author, Andrew Kim, still learning at school and him 15 years. Well done for the children, is not it? However, the guy is not the first time testing themselves in the role of the designer and to continue to go down this road. Well, wish him luck!

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