Senin, 09 Mei 2011

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  • balamw
    Aug 7, 04:24 PM
    If Apple had had that feature for years and MS would include it into Vista now, you'd call it copying, no !? ;)
    If you were picking on's Stationery I'd probably agree with you.

    None of the things that Time Machine have been compared to seem even close to what they are planning to do. Including my own VMS file versioning analogies. System Restore is not capable of restoring a single file, and particularly not within a running application. It seems kind of more like a system wide undo function when it comes to files...


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  • blahblah100
    Mar 31, 03:54 PM
    It's because of the Buy One Get One option. Nothing more. People choose that option because it makes financial sense and if they don't really care about the OS or the phone, they will choose the one that fits their check books. If Apple was to OK ATT and VZ to do a Buy One Get One on the iPhone, there would be no comparison. It would be game over for Android.


    Ironically, most of the people on this forum said iPhone on Verizon would be game over for Android.

    This 'game over for Android' reminds me a lot of the 'this is the year of desktop linux' stuff that has been said every year for the last 9.

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  • dave420
    Apr 25, 01:39 PM
    but I really do not like the fact that the iPhone has a breadcrumbs database of my travels for the last 3 years!

    This type of thing should not happen without users' knowledge... and it was. Or else this file would not be news!

    I too don't like the idea of a device saving my location. On the other hand when I am using the Maps app for driving directions which sends my current location to Google, I would be naive to think that information isn't being stored somewhere.

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  • jholzner
    Jul 20, 11:23 AM
    If you want wild speculation, here goes....
    Apple might use the Conroe and ConroeXE in the first Mac Pros and then add in support for Kentsfield (quad) when it becomes available. This could well be the reason why Intel has brought forward the release of Kentsfield.

    Somehow I doubt that Intel would change thier roadmap for/because of Apple. They are probably one of their smallest customers :P

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  • ZLurker
    Aug 12, 02:05 AM
    Mac OS Kitten.
    Good one!

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  • cmaier
    Apr 19, 10:46 PM
    But App Store is like Coke, right? Of course it's ok if Apple does it. They've becoming one of the most hypocritical companies on the planet. Maybe Steve suffers from extreme paranoia?

    No. "App Store" wouldn't qualify as a famous mark, I should think.

    Here's a website that lists some factors:

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  • moochermaulucci
    Apr 6, 04:58 PM
    I'm an Apple mobile device user, and I have never ever been on an Android-centric forum. Not one time! Why would I care what people who have such an obvious difference in taste think about what I have?

    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    At least go have your Android orgy, where it may be appreciated by others who care to watch that type of thing...wait...there are such things as Android forums, right?

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  • bedifferent
    Apr 12, 10:02 AM
    Difinitely not. I won't say where I'd agree and disagree with for the rest of it, but that last sentence isn't right. Thousands implies a rather low number. Not nearly enough revenue for Apple to keep working on FCS. ;)

    Ha ;) I love, too true. Those "thousands" could become a larger number, and not just editors but professionals in general as well as high end consumers who would strongly benefit and pony up for a mid range Pro tower as well as the prosumer grade programs.

    Slightly off topic, I always wondered about Apple's initial venture into the mobile market, especially given Apple's failed attempt in partnering with Motorola for the "ROKR" (anyone recall the 2005 TV ads with Madonna shamelessly promoting her "Confessions on a Dance Floor" for a cool $5 million?).

    Two years later came the iPhone. Makes you wonder why Apple "tested" the mobile market with the ROKR knowing the iPhone wasn't far away.

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  • marksman
    Mar 31, 09:09 PM
    I neither agree or disagree with this statement, I'm just very curious as to whether or not it is true. Anyone have an data that can prove/disprove this?

    I have just tried to find some information on this, and the only information I can find are two seperate quarters where a blackberry phone was number 1 for that particular quarter. The 3G was second in that quarter. In another instance, Blackberry was #1 for a quarter, and the 3GS was #2 and the 3G was #4.

    There is a lack of data actually listing the top selling individual smartphones out there.

    The interesting thing is I suspect the other top selling phones are all Blackberry devices. Maybe the Droid would be in there, but I suspect if you did a top 10 only one android device would be there.

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  • mcrain
    Mar 22, 02:41 PM
    Mcrain, don't try changing history. Look back at all the left-wing loons screaming racist, war-monger, 'blood for oil' when Bush attacked Iraq... where are they now? It's the media to a lesser extent, but they certainly play a role.

    Wait a second again. Don't you try changing history. What "left-wing loons" are you talking about? I was right here saying we shouldn't be invading without more evidence and more time for the UN to search for WMDs, and I'm sure you would consider that yelling war-monger, blood for oil, etc..., but I'm not a "party insider", candidate or elected official. As for those on the left before Iraq, one guy who opposed the war from the start is president today.

    Compare today to prior to the Iraq war. Today there are some democrats airing concerns about this action. Before the Iraq war, the GOP in congress were less independent than a sock puppet. Other than Ron Paul (who I know you support), did anyone in the GOP offer any criticism? If not, then isn't your party worse? I mean, you ONLY have one person who can claim with a straight face that he is not being a hipocrite in his criticism today. ONLY one.

    As for Paul, you're probably right, unless people wake up, unless something happens, he won't get the nomination. That's why I'm doing all I can now to help the cause and promote his values across my state. No, I did not see the 'ghostwritten' pamphlet. What's the significance. And Rand didn't trip over anything.

    Ron Paul's pamphlet... Controversial claims made in Ron Paul's newsletters, written in the first person narrative, included statements such as "Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for that pro-communist philanderer Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day." Along with "even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas, I've urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense. For the animals are coming." Another notable statement that garnered controversy was "opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, if you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be". An issue from 1992 refers to carjacking as the "hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth who play unsuspecting whites like pianos." In an article titled "The Pink House" the newsletter wrote that "Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities." These publications would later create political problems for Paul and he considered retiring his seat. Link (

    Rand didn't trip on the Civil Rights Act? Ok, only if you agree with him that entire towns in the South should have the right to discriminate like they used to. The free market will sort it out... just like it did before the civil rights act.

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  • ergle2
    Sep 14, 08:09 PM
    Not sure about beyond 8 which can be paired into a 16 core Mac. Perhaps. Too far out to tell although it is casually mentioned in the roadmap.

    New micro-arch -- Nehalem is due 2008.

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  • macpross
    Aug 6, 11:28 PM
    Great joke, thanks very the same line as Tiger Computer Dealers, right?

    We already have a Mac Pro line of products, we are also the owners of AppleLocks, and MacMice. The Tiger thing was silly.

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  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:41 PM
    Here are some of the issues with the iPod phone.

    In order to make the biggest splash, it will have to be available in both GSM and CDMA versions so that all of the big 4 carriers can use it. GSM is the international standard, so I'm sure they will have that *at least*.

    In order for it to matter, it will have to be able to access the music store over the air. Have you tried downloading an MP3 file, even on an EDGE connection? It sucks.

    The delay here has more to do with the networks. Until the 3G networks are fully rolled out (EV-DO on Verizon, UTMS on GSM, etc. etc.) and available beyond a few cities, this phone will just frustrate people. (Verizon's rollout has gone much further, but I would think given that CDMA is rare outside of the US that that fails to compensate for the fact that the GSM 3G is still in just a few markets.)

    The latest rumor is that wide-spread UTMS roll out will be in Q1 2007. When that happens, we'll see an iPod phone. It's not as if Apple couldn't have made an Apple-rific phone by now. The limitation isn't theirs, it's the networks'.

    In the meantime, you can get an HTC Tytn that will use 3G world wide and will play MediaPlayer... if you're into M$.

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  • notjustjay
    Apr 27, 10:33 AM
    Really? So you're telling me that the location saved, of the cell tower 100 miles away, is actually really MY location?


    I think it's not as bad as what the media would have you believe, BUT it is worse than what Apple wants you to think.

    Sure, cell towers could be up to 100 miles away. And when I ran the mapping tool and plotted my locations, and zoom in far enough, I do indeed see a grid of cell towers as opposed to actual locations where I've been standing. All anyone could know is that I've been "somewhere" in the vicinity.

    (And this isn't new. Some time ago I came upon a car crash and called 911 on my cell phone to report it. They were able to get the location to send emergency services just by where I was calling from. It wasn't 100% accurate -- they asked if I was near a major intersection and I told them it was about a block from there.)

    However, if it's also tracking wifi hotspots, those can pinpoint you pretty closely. Most people stay within 30-50 feet of their wireless router, and the ones you spend the most time connected to will be the ones at home, at work, and and at your friends' houses.

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  • Padraig
    Aug 12, 04:13 AM
    If there is a phone on the way i'm guessing that we can be sure of few things.

    1) Can't see it being a clamshell. Perhaps a slider, but in all likelyhood it will be a candybar - fits in with apple designs aesthetic, simple, elegant design.

    2) It will have to be GSM, UMTS being included as well. There is no way Apple is releasing a CDMA only phone, the market is tiny.

    3) I'm sure Apple will release this by themselves, rather than partnering up with a specific carrier. This would allow people who are already tied into contracts to purchase the phone, without having to switch networks. Also couldn't invisage Apple agreeing to something like Vodafone's software.

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  • Macnoviz
    Apr 12, 11:36 AM
    There have been live streams in the past but last I heard Apple killed it for this meeting.


    well, if they were planning on doing a livestream, and all of the sudden they make it into a semi-stevenote, the extra traffic would probably kill the stream anyway

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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 14, 11:35 PM
    I have enough skill to win the faster races, i just have more fun with a "real" car instead of something with neck-snapping acceleration and tires that stick to the road if you take a hair-pin at 200mph.

    I have a lot more fun driving cars that anyone can afford.

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  • jicon
    Aug 17, 02:11 AM
    A lot of folks are waiting for game benchmarks...bring 'em on!

    Does anyone seriously believe games today will show any significant improvement on a Mac Pro?

    1. The video cards are underclocked compared to their PC equivalents on the Mac.
    2. Generally, you are limited to a framerate of 60Hz anyway.
    3. Most games are old ports, and need to run thru Rosetta.

    When playing a game on a PC, you have DirectX to take full advantage of the hardware, and your processor is usually tagged consuming any and all cycles it can for the game. On a Mac, multithreading, and sharing the processor among apps seems to be the flow of the computing experience.

    I'd predict a single Core2 Duo Extreme would still outdo a dual processor 3.0 Ghz Xeon Mac Pro when memory timings are nearly half of the Xeon on the Core2.

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 9, 08:38 PM
    In terms of driving/racing sim, any SimBin racer wipes the floor with the GT series.

    i have never heard of SimBin, but looking at the website, it doesn't look bad. do any of their games work in Mac OS X?

    given that its been out for 10 years, i think it would have sold a fair few no matter what :rolleyes: i preferred GT3 A-Spec over anything else.

    do we have an official date yet? or will that be pushed back too :D

    yes it has been out for awhile, but they still haven't released the 5th game yet (not including demos). so either way, there's only 4 versions of the game out. at over 57 million copies sold, i'd say they sold a fair few...

    and yeah they have been known to push back dates, i sure hope that they don't

    If sales are the judge of a games greatness, then Mario Kart on the Wii is the greatest racing game of all time. No doubt about it. The number of copies sold backs that up. Sorry GT.

    mario kart is a different type of racing game, geared towards a different audience. i like mario kart as well.

    i'm not saying sales are the only factor, but when you get to the level of Gran Turismo, that's when vendors start making real cars just for the game...

    Aug 27, 02:06 PM
    That is interesting because I ordered a Macbook on Tuesday (the 22nd) and mine is also scheduled to ship on the 31st. It is suspiciously strange and hopefully it means that we'll get Meroms because I was waiting for the Merom MBP when I decided to just order a Yonah MB.

    I ordered a 17" MBP on Thursday and it originally had a ship date for the 31st. Then today I got an email with a tracking number saying that it shipped today.:confused: I was hoping that mine would be a Merom too, but it does not look like it. The delivery date is now the 30th; I'll try to not open it for a couple of days or until I hear some new news.

    Aug 26, 04:08 PM
    To be honest i dont really care anymore. As it is, im leaning away from Apple portables and moving to their desktops. Maybe just maybe if the 15" MBP sports a 16x DL superdrive, Magnetic latch Firewire 800 and maybe an extra USB port i may consider. But to be honest the MacPro is looking like a better candidate for me. My PB is fine my mobile computing needs, its time for a powerful workhorse thats more stable and reliable, namely, the MacPro

    Apr 6, 01:32 PM
    sorry, posted in the wrong forum...

    Aug 7, 05:46 PM
    can't believe only 8 people voted for 64bit, its the most profound change here.... all others you can achieve with some 3rd party softwares.

    Same here. To me it is one of the most significant upgrades of all of them.

    Jul 20, 08:18 AM
    I wonder what they're going to call them, Quad sounds cool but "Octa or Octo" just sounds a bit silly.


    The Mactopus??
    Ive already trademarked "OctoCore" and "CoreOcto";)
    Just keep saying it to yourself. After about the 12th time it just starts rolling off your tongue...

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