Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Hangings In The South

Hangings In The South. South Netherlandish ca.
  • South Netherlandish ca.

  • littleman23408
    Dec 2, 08:43 AM
    I hate to link to IGN, but here goes:

    GT5 damage explained (

    Confusion seems to have stemmed from its differing implementation across the game's extensive garage, a point that Sony further clarified. "Standard models have minor deformation and scratches," said Sony, "Premium cars have greater visible level of damage, and Premium racing models have the highest level of damage."

    I can't open the links due to work internet, but they should have done equal damage to all cars. Besides, every real car dents and scratches pretty easily.

    Hangings In The South. quilts and wall hangings,
  • quilts and wall hangings,

  • troop231
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    All formidable looking tablets, it is indeed the year of the tablet.

    So what is next year the year of? Phones again let me guess

    Hangings In The South. Hangings  where the victims
  • Hangings where the victims

  • RebootD
    Apr 10, 11:39 AM
    Considering the number of shocking disappointments (Lion being more iOS, no FCS updates, glossy everything etc) as of late with Apple releases I'm still not holding my breath that they will release something to take me away from CS5. I would love to be surprised though.

    Hangings In The South. hangings analysis of the
  • hangings analysis of the

  • skunk
    Feb 28, 07:12 PM
    2) okay, they can pretend to get marriedNo, you are absolutely wrong., They can get married like any other couple where the laws allow. Marriage is not a special preserve of any religion. You cannot just commandeer it.

    No, I'm not kidding. To the Catholic Church sex outside of a valid sacramental marriage is fornicationWho cares what Catholic dogma claims? It's an irrelevance.

    Last time I checked when the vast majority of people did such behavior it was with the opposite gender not the same.So what is the problem? Are you against variation?

    Do you have proof that Plato was a repressed homosexual?No, not proof
    "Homosexuality," Plato wrote, "is regarded as shameful by barbarians and by those who live under despotic governments just as philosophy is regarded as shameful by them, because it is apparently not in the interest of such rulers to have great ideas engendered in their subjects, or powerful friendships or passionate love-all of which homosexuality is particularly apt to produce." This attitude of Plato's was characteristic of the ancient world, and I want to begin my discussion of the attitudes of the Church and of Western Christianity toward homosexuality by commenting on comparable attitudes among the ancients.

    To a very large extent, Western attitudes toward law, religion, literature and government are dependent upon Roman attitudes. This makes it particularly striking that our attitudes toward homosexuality in particular and sexual tolerance in general are so remarkably different from those of the Romans. It is very difficult to convey to modern audiences the indifference of the Romans to questions of gender and gender orientation. The difficulty is due both to the fact that the evidence has been largely consciously obliterated by historians prior to very recent decades, and to the diffusion of the relevant material.

    Romans did not consider sexuality or sexual preference a matter of much interest, nor did they treat either in an analytical way. An historian has to gather together thousands of little bits and pieces to demonstrate the general acceptance of homosexuality among the Romans.

    One of the few imperial writers who does appear to make some sort of comment on the subject in a general way wrote, "Zeus came as an eagle to god like Ganymede and as a swan to the fair haired mother of Helen. One person prefers one gender, another the other, I like both." Plutarch wrote at about the same time, "No sensible person can imagine that the sexes differ in matters of love as they do in matters of clothing. The intelligent lover of beauty will be attracted to beauty in whichever gender he finds it." Roman law and social strictures made absolutely no restrictions on the basis of gender. It has sometimes been claimed that there were laws against homosexual relations in Rome, but it is easy to prove that this was not the case. On the other hand, it is a mistake to imagine that anarchic hedonism ruled at Rome. In fact, Romans did have a complex set of moral strictures designed to protect children from abuse or any citizen from force or duress in sexual relations. Romans were, like other people, sensitive to issues of love and caring, but individual sexual (i.e. gender) choice was completely unlimited. Male prostitution (directed toward other males), for instance, was so common that the taxes on it constituted a major source of revenue for the imperial treasury. It was so profitable that even in later periods when a certain intolerance crept in, the emperors could not bring themselves to end the practice and its attendant revenue.

    Gay marriages were also legal and frequent in Rome for both males and females. Even emperors often married other males. There was total acceptance on the part of the populace, as far as it can be determined, of this sort of homosexual attitude and behavior. This total acceptance was not limited to the ruling elite; there is also much popular Roman literature containing gay love stories. The real point I want to make is that there is absolutely no conscious effort on anyone's part in the Roman world, the world in which Christianity was born, to claim that homosexuality was abnormal or undesirable. There is in fact no word for "homosexual" in Latin. "Homosexual" sounds like Latin, but was coined by a German psychologist in the late 1 9th century. No one in the early Roman world seemed to feel that the fact that someone preferred his or her own gender was any more significant than the fact that someone preferred blue eyes or short people. Neither gay nor straight people seemed to associate certain characteristics with sexual preference. Gay men were not thought to be less masculine than straight men and lesbian women were not thought of as less feminine than straight women. Gay people were not thought to be any better or worse than straight people-an attitude which differed both from that of the society that preceded it, since many Greeks thought gay people were inherently better than straight people, and from that of the society which followed it, in which gay people were often thought to be inferior to others.

    The most celebrated account of homosexual love comes in Plato's Symposium, in which homosexual love is discussed as a more ideal, more perfect kind of relationship than the more prosaic heterosexual variety. This is a highly biased account, because Plato himself was homosexual and wrote very beautiful epigrams to boys expressing his devotion. Platonic homosexuality had very little to do with sex; Plato believed ideally that love and reason should be fused together, while concern over the body and the material world of particulars should be annihilated. Even today, "Platonic love" refers to non-sexual love between two adults.

    Behind Plato's contempt for heterosexual desire lay an aesthetic, highly intellectual aversion to the female body. Plato would have agreed with Schopenhauer's opinion that "only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex".

    Hangings In The South. with wall hangings track,
  • with wall hangings track,

  • Willis
    Jul 27, 01:45 PM
    I havent checked yet to see if someone mentioned it, but in regard to what people expect to see at WWDC, dont worry if it isnt annouced then... Paris Expo is in September.

    Mac Pro's might come out then i think.

    Hangings In The South. South Asian Ethnic Groups.
  • South Asian Ethnic Groups.

  • fivepoint
    Mar 23, 02:20 PM
    Again, Fivepoint, you forget that the President was selling the Iraq war with suspicious and weak information that the many questioned. It turns out they were right. Pre-war, the big issue was whether the war was justified based on the evidence being pushed by the President. The criticism President Bush faced thereafter had a lot to do with the fact that he lied to the American people in order to start a poorly planned war. They bungled every aspect of a war they lied to get us into. There were plenty of reasons to be critical.

    "Lying" implies intent. Are you accusing them of lying, or getting it wrong?
    Yes, there were many reasons to be critical.
    Is it your position that Libya represents a larger danger to American assets/security than Iraq? If not, is it your suggestion that America should be involved in every humanitarian crisis with brutal dictators worldwide, or at least those comparable to Libya? If so, why aren't we in North Korea? Why aren't we in any number of African nations?

    Out of curiousity, what do you expect? I expect conservative congressmen and women to support a conservative president, but to think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. I don't respect blind support like what they did under GWB. Similarly, I expect liberal congressmen and women to support a liberal president, but to also think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. Some are speaking out, and some are not blindly supporting President Obama. Can you acknowledge that the liberals are doing a better job with consistency than the GOP? If not, how do you explain GOP opposition to the Libya action?

    Part of what you say is true, in that I should EXPECT people to be more critical of the other side. This is true. But I also think it's important (especially in this forum) to point out hypocrisy stemming from the left so that the Macrumors Echo Chamber doesn't keep you all in denial. What I personally expect is people to stand on principles, and not on parties. What I expect is that people live their lives in a honorable way and present a consistent philosophy. This is the same reason I rip on neo-con Republicans for talking about fiscal conservatism when history has shown us that their real world actions when in power are very different from their rhetoric... even if they still aren't as bad as the Democrats... it's not good enough. Both parties are bad at it, too many people simply tow the party line and don't think for themselves.

    It sure is easy to peg me isn't it? Too bad if you go back over my posts you will find more than enough denouncing involvement in Iraq / Afghanistan.

    It's much easier than actually addressing your real views... it's a defense mechanism which she uses to avoid serious debate.

    If you are supporting non-intervention, than I disagree. I support the notion that the UN (using member-nations' pooled military or civilian assets) should be able to intervene in a nation's affairs if it is thought necessary to either 1) protect other nations from harm or 2) protect a nation's own people from its government, or in the case of a civil war, one or more factions.

    Being a 'non-interventionist' does not mean that you NEVER support war, it means that you avoid it whenever possible. It means that you are far less prone to military intervention than someone who does not care about the values of non-interventionism.
    Nonintervention or non-interventionism is a foreign policy which holds that political rulers should avoid alliances with other nations, but still retain diplomacy, and avoid all wars not related to direct territorial self-defense.

    Hangings In The South. painted scenes or hangings
  • painted scenes or hangings

  • poppe
    Jul 14, 02:40 PM
    I doubt they'll do it too. For some reason this idea has come up over and over again during the last few weeks, and I'll continue to say what I've been saying - I don't see why apple would do that. It's a very appealing idea for a lot of MR folks because a lot of us are knowledgable users but not really professionals. But beyond that group, which is prevalent at MR but fairly rare in the real world, I don't see the appeal.

    Also, think about what apple would be doing with such a machine - selling you a low cost, low margin mac that you could nonetheless upgrade with 3rd party components for years. Meaning that apple doesn't make a lot off you up front and doesn't get you coming back again for 5-ish years. Great for you, not so great for them. Whereas if they sell you a mac pro, they make a killing up front, so it's ok if you keep it for years, and if they sell you anything else you'll be back a lot sooner.

    Dont ruin it!!! :p

    Hangings In The South. and large wall hangings
  • and large wall hangings

  • pavetheforest
    Sep 15, 09:44 PM
    Dude I'm going to sell my dell.

    Hangings In The South. Avenue South store.
  • Avenue South store.

  • Silentwave
    Aug 17, 10:27 PM
    I'll just wait until the 4GHZ Mac Pro. I wonder what that bad boy can do.:rolleyes:

    I wonder if they'll even bother to go to 4GHz anytime soon. the roadmap is for more cores. We have on the roadmap DP and MP (>2 chips) capable Quad-core chips starting to come out by the end of this year/early next year. The next step is 8+ core chips. The next Xeon is Clovertown, which is just Woodcrest scaled to 4 cores with a few changes in clock and FSB etc. Tigerton comes next, also 4 cores but MP capable (3+ chips possible) and with a possibility of increased FSB speed, bigger L2 cache and so on. Its successor, Dunnington, will be a 45nm chip with between 4 and 32 cores depending on who you believe.

    Hangings In The South. Via Yanko Design we have South
  • Via Yanko Design we have South

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 5, 07:30 PM
    The same model applies to the 'church'.

    They are on the wane, and need new conscripts.

    Gays are less likely to give them that.

    That's (sadly) believable. See, now you're talking. I knew you didn't always pop round just to throw a cheeky non sequitur into the works. ;)

    Hangings In The South. the south-eastern province
  • the south-eastern province

  • z4n3
    Apr 25, 02:50 PM
    So does this mean I can get a refund on my 2 year old 3GS and 1st gen iPad :rolleyes:

    Hangings In The South. Just like with the South Side
  • Just like with the South Side

  • milo
    Sep 13, 07:05 AM
    A bit pointless given that no software utilises the extra cores yet.

    Not true, according to the article. They said it wasn't easy, but they were able to max out all 8 cores. You can see the Activity Monitor graph all filled up.

    It would be nice if 10.5 would allow a more 'blind' method to utilize these cores, versus having programmers specificly program for multi-core. Now that would be extremely helpful and allow a more simultanous workflow.

    That's how it is now, at least with multiple apps. I bet it's possible to program for an unspecified number of multiple cores, and there may be apps doing it already.

    I was interested to see that they were unable to max out CPU utilization on all 8 cores in the system. I hope it's due to the software these days not being ready to fully utilize more than one or two cores and not due to OSX's ability to scale to larger core counts. Since that's obviously where we're heading. Does anyone know about the potential for scalability of OSX to large numbers of CPU's/cores? I know some *nix varieties and BSD varieties do this really well, but one wonders if they were thinking this far in the future when they developed OSX. It'll be interesting to see...

    Read the article again, they WERE able to max them out, just not easily. Based on that, OSX seems to be able to scale already. Developers just need to start writing apps that are more MP friendly.

    Hangings In The South. South Shore Tiki Lounge
  • South Shore Tiki Lounge

  • davea11ee
    Apr 5, 06:27 PM
    Time for my 8 cores to start all being used at the same time.

    Hangings In The South. by Comper#39;s hangings)
  • by Comper#39;s hangings)

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 27, 02:15 PM
    Remember that the G5 is 64 bit. While the consumer apps may not be too directly affected at first, (speed increases, but nothing else), as more memory is required, 32 bit will hit a brick wall at 4GiB, whereas 64 bit can go along happily to 2,305,843,009,200,000,000GiB.

    Realistically, it will take some time to get to that level, but with the last G5 supporting 16GiB, 32 then 64 wouldn't be too far off. within 10 years, I'm sure 1TiB will start to become common.

    But with only 2 RAM slots in most current Macs (apart from obviously the Power Mac G5 which has 64-bit processor anyway), getting past 4GB is basically impossible/ ridiculously expensive at the moment.

    Hangings In The South. by Comper#39;s hangings)
  • by Comper#39;s hangings)

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 1, 09:44 AM
    Dr Simon Hornblower, the author of several books about ancient Greece and editor of the Oxford Classical Dictionary, a friend of mine, agrees with me that there is no way your teacher could know any such thing, and that homosexuality was not common only among aristocrats. The Greeks, and Romans for that matter, made little distinction between sexes or orifices when it came to getting their rocks off.
    Knowing is one thing. Having strong evidence is something else. Even if Dr. Gould doesn't know that the Ancient Greeks thought sodomy was repugnant, he probably knew a lot about the history of Ancient Greece. To accurately interpret Plato's writings, he needed to know about Ancient Greek Society and Ancient Greek culture.

    By the way, I've read Plato's Early Socratic Dialogues, including the Charmides an the Lysis. In the Charmides, Socrates lusts after Charmides, a young man in his teens or in his 20's, when the philosopher see what's under Charmides's cloak. Socrates then talks about self-control because that's the dialogue's topic.

    When the Lysis begins, a boy of about 13 is stands outside the Lyceum, telling everyone about the boy he's in love with. But the dialogue was about friendship, not about homosexuality.

    Hangings In The South. Serial death, hang, hanging,
  • Serial death, hang, hanging,

  • j_maddison
    Jul 20, 11:53 AM
    How fast do you want mail to go?

    As fast as possible! Don't worry I do agree that e mail and browsing has very little to do with the processor speed, still you did ask the question! Now if only I could get a fibre link to my house without it costing a few hundred thousand Pounds a year hmm :rolleyes:

    Hangings In The South. job: Decorative wall hangings
  • job: Decorative wall hangings

  • tmofee
    Mar 25, 10:44 PM
    i wonder if apple will release a version in the app store???

    Hangings In The South. They had a bunch of hangings
  • They had a bunch of hangings

  • DocNo
    Apr 11, 10:24 AM
    I think they want to make FCP a tool for consumers who have no idea about narrative structure and storytelling.

    So wouldn't that make the recent pushes with iMovie, particularly on the iOS redundant? That' doesn't seem a very smart use of resources or use of branding...

    FCP isn't useful for Apple any more.

    Really? Had lunch with SJ lately? Care to share more?

    Regarding editing conventions, they are far older then 20 or so years. However, they've been around for a very long time and those conventions will be here to stay. Why? Because in the end of the day stories are linear and that fact won't change one bit even if Apple releases iMovie Pro.

    I guess time will tell. I remember reading comments like yours from industry "experts" when I first started playing around with PageMaker 1.0 on my school's Mac Plus - dismissing it as a toy and not a serious or professional tool.

    Perhaps "old timers" problems like yours is that you have been in your box for so long that you can't possibly imagine how it could be different and useful? The panel touched on that - I think it was in Part 2. It was fun to see who embraced that notation and which members of the panel dismissed it (either verbally or by their body language).

    Final thought: evolve or die; be prepared to get out of your comfort zone. Heck, you might even like it!

    Hangings In The South. one off wall hangings,
  • one off wall hangings,

  • yfile
    Apr 6, 11:38 AM
    What do you mean true 3D? Motion 3 integrated 3D reflection, shadows, depth of field, etc.. It was around that time I stopped using After Effects. There are still things that AE can do that Motion can't, but that's mostly due to 3rd party plugins.

    I mean 3D objects with materials, textures, shaders, better lighting, better shadows, no crashing several times a day...
    3D like ProAnimator FX or Kinemac at least. No plugin required.

    Aug 7, 03:54 PM
    i love the changes they made.

    now if only they can merge ical into mail so it can fully compete against entourage and other apps.

    I want my full telephone book, contact data management, with calendar in one program.

    easier for me that way.
    Yeah, that'd be cool. Just imagine if you could grab certain things from other apps, like that widget web clip feature and paste together your own app in whichever way you please. Would probably confuse the heck out of some novice users, but would be great for advanced users. Elastic applications.

    Apr 27, 09:47 AM
    This is a lie

    Keeping a database of our general location is logging our location. :mad: Does Apple really think this double talk, where they say they keep a database of location but don't log the location is going to fly?

    At least our overlord will now, I hope, stop collecting location data when location services are turned off. It's a disgrace that it took a media storm to shame them into action.

    Incorrect - it's not tracking your direct location as you assert.

    For instance, when you're visiting "Harry's Sex Shop and under the counter Heroin sales" it doesn't track that you're actually at that business.

    It tracks that your phone contacted "AT&T Cellular Site 601-2L" which might be within line of sight of such a business or it might be in the surrounding neighborhood or somewhat nearby.

    My own phone shows that I travel all over the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul since I am an IT staffer who journeys between 25 different offices all of the time that are dispersed all over town - and I think you would be hard pressed to find out ANYTHING from looking at that picture, it's a giant mess of dots all over town and one satellite facility southeast of town:

    Anyway. Yes, an enterprising thief with access to your phone could use it potentially. But as it is, collating that data would require some smarts and effort.

    Mar 31, 09:20 PM
    I hope this silences all the Android trolls that claimed there was no fragmentation.

    Aug 7, 04:09 PM
    heh... they give MS so much crap for photocopying, but if anything, this is more or less taking a page out of MS's book with System Restore. Granted, it looks like it will be better, but still, MS had this kind of thing first.

    I wouldn't say this was copying. A way to backup and restore your files is just common sense. Even if Microsoft didn't have a restore feature, Apple would have come up with it anyway.

    Apr 28, 01:28 PM what you said about doubting and not believing is not true.

    Haven't you noticed this trend in everything he posts? I called him out ages ago.

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