Senin, 09 Mei 2011

inspirational quotes for children

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  • Get your facts first, and then you can distort 'em as much as you please. ~Mark Twain

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  • inspirational quotes about

  • Just, harmonious, temperate as is the spirit of liberty, there is in the name and mere notion of it a vagueness so opposite to the definite clearness of the moral law.... ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827

    inspirational quotes for children. and Inspirational Quotes
  • and Inspirational Quotes

  • It's hard to make up your bed while you're still sleeping in it. Hard to make up your mind for the same reason. ~Robert Brault,

    inspirational quotes for children. “Your children are not your
  • “Your children are not your

  • The healthy being craves an occasional wildness, a jolt from normality, a sharpening of the edge of appetite, his own little festival of the Saturnalia, a brief excursion from his way of life. ~Robert MacIver

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  • inspirational quotes about

  • I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet. ~Denis Waitely

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  • There's no waiting for friends on a powder day. ~Author Unknown

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  • motivational quotes

  • The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think. ~Author Unknown

    inspirational quotes for children. Quotes Children Quotes .
  • Quotes Children Quotes .

  • A little candor never leaves me. It is what protects me. ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin

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  • inspirational quotes about

  • If I set for myself a task, be it so trifling, I shall see it through. How else shall I have confidence in myself to do important things? ~George Clason

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  • It's impossible to be loyal to your family, your friends, your country, and your principles, all at the same time. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

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  • Hypocrisy is an homage that vice renders to virtue. ~Francois, Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Maximes, 1678

    inspirational quotes for children. Inspirational Quotes Children
  • Inspirational Quotes Children

  • The idea is not to block every shot. The idea is to make your opponent believe that you might block every shot. ~Bill Russell

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  • inspirational quotes for

  • People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross. ~Author Unknown

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  • inspirational quotes about

  • Marriage is for women the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution. ~Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals

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  • inspirational quotes about

  • Women are the only oppressed group in our society that lives in intimate association with their opressors. ~Evelyn Cunningham

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  • inspirational quotes

  • Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen. ~Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

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  • Marriage halves our griefs, doubles our joys, and quadruples our expenses. ~English Proverb

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  • inspirational quotes

  • There are two ways of spreading light - to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ~Edith Wharton, Vesalius in Zante

    inspirational quotes for children. Elvis Presley#39;s Quotes
  • Elvis Presley#39;s Quotes

  • The reluctance to put away childish things may be a requirement of genius. ~Rebecca Pepper Sinkler

    Classical music is the kind we keep thinking will turn into a tune. ~Frank McKinney "Kin" Hubbard, Comments of Abe Martin and His Neighbors, 1923

    If we all, mountain bikers, cyclists, multinational companies, Jo Public, respected the land like old civilizations we wouldn't get so many punctures. Earth's revenge. ~Jo Burt (Thanks, Jacquie)

    I used to believe that anything was better than nothing. Now I know that sometimes nothing is better. ~Glenda Jackson I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. ~Author Unknown

    Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do - or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so. ~Stanley Crawford

    There is still no cure for the common birthday. ~John Glenn

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