Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

queen elizabeth 11 family tree

queen elizabeth 11 family tree. queen elizabeth ii family.
  • queen elizabeth ii family.

  • Apple OC
    Mar 15, 10:59 PM
    I see you still haven't explained what you meant by "contained".

    If I had the answer as to how this was going to be contained ... I would be over there "containing it"

    I just saw a disturbing press conference from the Japanese Government where they released a brief statement that all the workers have suspended work at the 6 reactors.

    myself ... I am glued to this story and am sure that even if it takes the International Community to "contain, repair, or stop" this disaster ... that will be done. The world is not just going to let this "Air itself out"

    Have I defined "contain" to your satisfaction?

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. Queen Elizabeth Ii Family Tree
  • Queen Elizabeth Ii Family Tree

  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 07:27 PM
    Solar plants can be put out in the scrub, they don't destroy what can be some of the most beautiful places on Earth like dams do, and have much less land impact.

    We don't all have scrubland... or reliable sunshine! Can't see solar power taking off in the UK, I'm afraid. The same goes for most of Northern Europe.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. queen elizabeth ii wedding
  • queen elizabeth ii wedding

  • pseudobrit
    Sep 26, 12:21 AM
    Where's the eight-core Memromn?

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. by Queen Elizabeth II,
  • by Queen Elizabeth II,

  • javajedi
    Oct 11, 10:57 AM
    I think it was Back2TheMac who posted earlier in this thread "x86 plain sucks". The reason why he belives the x86 ISA and CISC are inferior is because Apple put out a bunch of marketing in the early days of the PowerPC touting RISC as superior new technology. In today's world, RISC processos really aren't RISC, and CISC processors really are CISC.

    I recommend anyone who still believes in this spin to read this:

    It's most informative.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. Queen elizabeth ii family
  • Queen elizabeth ii family

  • j763
    Oct 10, 01:54 AM
    Originally posted by TheT
    I think Mac users just live in their happy little world and think their computers are still the fastest... well, wake up!

    couldn't agree more. you use macs for software not for the absolute $#!+ apple has under-the-hood. i was at this MUG meeting the other day and the question was raised as to whether a mac was the fastest thing out there for graphics. i laughed at the suggestion and said "No way". this guy next to me, who was obviously a mac bigot (not necessarily a bad thing) said "You're wrong. They are the fastest thing out there. The Velocity Engine makes the powermac g4 the fastest machine out there for graphics. Blah blah blah blah blah......". I just turned to him and said "SGI Workstations". that was the end of the conversation (he didn't know what an sgi workstation was).

    all that said, i've got a dual 1.25 and it's an excellent machine... but you just have to realise that no, it's not the fastest thing out there.

    BUT... i'd like to raise this important point. wtf are the win32 users using their CPU power for? Typing up word documents really fast? browsing the web with Internet Exporer v6.000.21312.185726351;SP1? or perhaps having to wait only 10 seconds for windows media player to launch? win32 is simply a craptacular operating system to the extent where it shouldn't be recognized (and i certainly don't recognize it) as a real operating system. mac and *nix (excl. linux-on-the-desktop) is where it's at. get over it.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. Jul 14, 03:11 PM
  • Jul 14, 03:11 PM

  • MacFly123
    Oct 7, 06:20 PM
    I hope my sarcasm meter is broken.

    If it is not, comments like this are exactly what is wrong with this forum.

    What does Microsoft has to do with topic?

    No sarcasm at all. I know Microsoft wasn't specifically in the topic, but it relates heavily. Apple, Google, and Palm are all going to be big players in the mobile computing world. Microsoft, RIM, and Symbian are all very outdated and behind. I think it is all very interesting. I wasn't alive when the personal computing revolution went down, but this is the same type of revolution.

    It is very relevant because it seems like Google is becoming the new Microsoft. There are some big differences though that make me not despise Google, such as how they are pretty open. I rejoice in Microsoft failing because the world and technology is a better place without them hindering innovation and progression with all their illegal proprietary lock-in antics they constantly shove down peoples' throats! :rolleyes: RIP Micro$oft! :p

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. queen elizabeth 11 marriage.
  • queen elizabeth 11 marriage.

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 13, 12:47 PM
    More people have died in hydroelectric or coal generated power production. Nuclear is relatively safe and clean.

    ...but if a coal plant blows it's over soon, if a nuke plant blows it's over in 250 thousand years.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. England#39;s Queen Elizabeth, the
  • England#39;s Queen Elizabeth, the

  • Funkymonk
    Apr 28, 10:13 AM
    Agree. Too bad the iMac never took off in the enterprise sector. I remember when I was going to the university in the 90's I saw plenty of macs all around campus. Now the times I've gone all I see are Dell's, and HP's.

    It's too expensive. as a business, why buy an imac when I could but a dell or hp for a fraction of the price to do the same job?

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. queen elizabeth 11 marriage.
  • queen elizabeth 11 marriage.

  • Cromulent
    Apr 24, 11:44 AM
    Based on what you've written, you have a very narrow view of what you consider to be "Christianity." You should perhaps spell that out--what I would infer from what you've written is that to "Christian" one must interpret the Bible (by which I assume you mean the Old and New Testaments) fairly literally and that any denomination which does not do so cannot be "Christian." Which would be news to many of the major Christian denominations.

    Perhaps you should substitute "fundamental Christian" for Christian, since that term seems to be more in line with what you've written.

    Not at all. I think anyone who identifies as a Christian is a Christian by definition. I just think that the lengths some goto rationalise their beliefs are ridiculous. Why bother being a Christian at all if you are going to change some of the core tenants of the belief.

    I am mean I heard the other day (second hand so apply salt liberally) that some Christians are even changing the whole holy trinity thing so that it is less "way out there".

    My general thinking on this is that if you can "interpret" so much of the Bible then why do you need a centralised religion at all? Why isn't anyone who believes in a god (any god) a Christian if the definition is so liberal? The only thing that seems constant in Christianity is that every denomination considers the Bible to be their holy book. Everything else, including the meaning whether literal or interpreted is completely up for grabs.

    It just strikes me as odd that God would let the state of his religion fall into such disrepair.

    Just my thoughts.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. queen elizabeth 11 marriage.
  • queen elizabeth 11 marriage.

  • grapes911
    May 5, 11:52 AM
    Yeah, no dropped calls is the only thing I miss about Verizon. AT&T is pathetic in my area.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. queen elizabeth ii ship
  • queen elizabeth ii ship

  • jmcrutch
    Mar 18, 09:41 AM
    you can buy an iPhone without signing a contract (eBay, from a friend, etc.) however you cannot get service for the iPhone (in the U.S. at least) without entering into an agreement with a carrier, which a court will enforce as a contract, regardless whether there's a physical signature or not.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. [tagged: genealogy, family
  • [tagged: genealogy, family

  • matticus008
    Mar 19, 06:00 PM
    He just wants to play his music on Linux, is there something wrong with that? Are you saying that Linux is bad, and Apple is good? Do you think that Apple is doing the right thing by not preventing these issues in the first place (by failing to open up technology standards or port multimedia software to other operating systems)? I really don't think that it would be terribly difficult to port iTunes or Quicktime to Linux.

    Yes, there is something wrong with that. You agreed when you created your account that you would use iTunes. You as a citizen, agree not to break the laws. Using iTunes songs in Linux breaks both of those agreements. Linux is great (I'm a Linux sysadmin, as a matter of fact), but you know going into a purchase agreement that iTunes does not support Linux. Apple should make iTunes for Linux, sure. But violating the TOS and breaking laws left and right isn't really going to convince them to do it.

    If you have Linux, then iTunes really isn't a legal option for you. Get your music elsewhere and write a letter to Apple, or use another computer for iTunes and use CDs or one of the thousands of network audio streaming packages available for Linux. You do not have the right to break DRM or to use something other than iTunes to get music from iTMS, period. It's that simple.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. Queen Elizabeth II Family
  • Queen Elizabeth II Family

  • ciTiger
    Apr 28, 07:57 AM
    Growth 187.9 %... LOL

    They sure need big vaults too keep all that money...

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. queen elizabeth ii queen
  • queen elizabeth ii queen

  • Applespider
    Mar 20, 06:29 PM
    Furthermore, if you are using iTunes music, and you are using iMovie/iDVD, you CAN use tracks in your videos. They import in and you can use them freely in your projects.

    Except there have been threads where people did this and when they sent it to friends to view, their computer had to be authorised to do so.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. queen elizabeth 11 husband.
  • queen elizabeth 11 husband.

  • toddybody
    Apr 21, 08:41 AM
    So why are you here? :confused:

    Yeah, I wonder that too sometimes.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. queen elizabeth ii young woman
  • queen elizabeth ii young woman

  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 07:50 PM
    This makeup of this forum's members intrigues mean slightly. Why are most of the posters here Atheists? Is it part of the Mac using demographic, the Internet in general's demographic, or are Atheists just the most interested in Politics, Religon, and Social Issues?

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. Queen Elizabeth II: Head
  • Queen Elizabeth II: Head

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 09:40 AM
    Ignorance of the law and/or terms of the contract does not equal being vindicated.

    Good luck with that. There's really nothing else for me to add. If you want to rant, post and have your go at a lawsuit - go for it. Have fun. Just don't expect to win.

    PS - just because you keep stating things as fact doesn't make it fact. Good luck with that too.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. Queen+elizabeth+2nd+family
  • Queen+elizabeth+2nd+family

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 21, 07:24 AM
    Wondering why Android users are on a Mac forum?

    The discussion of who has the better device is useless.

    Whatever works for you is fine. Whatever works for me is fine.

    The day something really good comes out on either platform the media will report it , we will see advertising and we can read reviews and check things out and decide what to buy next.

    Do I feel ghz or chip envy about standby time, camera resolution mp, or app availability?

    Couldn't care less, if my device does what I want it to do.

    So, Android guys, you have the best device if you decide so.

    No need to look at what Apple does. It will come to your device too, just a little later when the copies are ready.

    queen elizabeth 11 family tree. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II

  • Multimedia
    Sep 26, 10:06 AM
    There'a a nifty device that I use, I forget who makes it, but it's a PCIe Card that holds up to 8GB of DDR2 Ram that is recognized as a Drive, I use it for VM, Paging, and a swapfile. Makes applications start up super fast.Pardon Me But Would You Please Track Down The Link To That Card And IM Me and post it here? I need it NOW! Thanks.

    I will be on this thread until the Mac Pro Clovertown option ships. :D

    This is the Mac Pro I have been waiting for.

    Apr 23, 05:29 PM
    I've found the response of some of the devout atheist posters in this thread very interesting,What is a "devout atheist"? :confused:

    Sep 12, 07:02 PM
    You are making a lot of Assumptions regarding complications. The addition of USB to iTV makes a host of third party addons possible that could easily surpass Tivo.

    Wait and see -- it happened quickly with the iPod 4 years ago. It will be cheaper too -- no monthly fees and all managed by Front Row.

    Now that is EASY!

    Please explain to me, even hypothetically, how this could be a Tivo killer DVR. As a basis for the argument, consider that TiVo (as of today) can record 2 HD channels simulteously, while watching a third previously recorded show. Plus you can pause live TV.

    Elgato and Myth and all of the cable & satellite Co. DVRs haven't been able to compete with TiVo to date, what makes you thik they will be able to going forward?

    Apr 28, 08:03 AM
    Horrible headline.

    You do not "slip" upwards.

    The headline is as false as the story. The iPad is not a PC.

    Mar 18, 09:11 AM
    I will do what I want when I want on a device that I purchased. If AT&T doesn't like it, I can tell them where to go. They can cancel me and I will just take my business to Verizon. I am sure they don't want that.

    Apr 9, 01:59 AM
    That's fine. As long as Apple does not come in to the gaming market and starts trying to strong arm third party big names all is good.

    lol you are saying it like they can be strong armed. If you call paying large sums of money for exclusives "strong arming" then it's already happening in the gaming world.

    It is really simple big names go to where the money is.

    Apple has their rules. If you believe you can't work with them go somewhere else. It's a business, not a country you are born into.

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