Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan

Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Sonal Chauhan
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  • Jcoz
    Mar 29, 02:28 PM
    Now read through the rest of the posts after that and discover that Finder does not support Cut and Paste.

    Ok but didn't someone say that CMD + Drag does the same for files?

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  • Apple Corps
    Sep 12, 05:23 PM

    Agreed also, also. I am suffering through the never ending wait for the Rev B MBP. Purchasing one of these iPods sounds like the same feeling one would have if purchasing the Yonah MBP today - good chance of regrets in the near future.

    The stock market was not very impressed by SHOWTIME - it rose only 10 cents, and that was on a good day for the market with some analysts "upping" their rating on Apple.

    I am starting to sense that Steve's "Reality Distortion Field" is not as effective as it used to be. Gonna ship iTV, downloads with LESS than dvd quality, outdated cpu in top of the line MBPs - we are not that impressed and neither was the market.

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Sonal Chauhan gallery–Sonal
  • Sonal Chauhan gallery–Sonal

  • Vegasman
    Apr 28, 11:06 PM
    I've always wondered what Windows's market share comes from pirated copies of Windows. There's a lot of pirated copies out there.. a lot..

    And they still managed to sell 350 million licenses of Windows 7 in 18 months. That's insane! I am telling you... I would like to sit in that room in either Redmond or Cupertino where you see the profit tote board being updated every second, or every minute or whatever. It must just make someone dizzy. It's like 45,000$ a minute. Of profit! Ridicurous. :)

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Sonal Chauhan making it big
  • Sonal Chauhan making it big

  • poppe
    Sep 4, 03:36 PM
    It doesn't seem Apple's style to make wireless n hardware when there is no standard yet, I would think they would make a Media Center Mac, possibly with a built in iPod dock, maybe adding DivX and XVid (or just sticking VLC on the damn thing).

    It might not mean a using the Wireless N standard but using somethign completely different. Like the Airport Express is a Hub to recieve special videos that are coded specifically for it to make downloading a movie quickly, and to also be able to stream movies/tunes much faster and easier to your home telivision.

    Perhaps you could hook up an Airport Express to a TV and then run OS X right through Airport controlling everything

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Sonal Chouhan
  • Sonal Chouhan

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 01:23 AM
    Well I'm sorry to hear that happened to your father. My mother was in a similar situation a few years back. She cut off an idiot doing 20 under the speed limit, slammed on the brakes, and there was a wreck. The guy she cut off was found to be at fault for not maintaining a proper distance, my mother was not found at fault. She openly told the cops that she had just passed the guy, and after she passed she thought she saw a squirrel enter the road, so she slammed on the breaks. On top of doing $15,000 grand worth of damage to the guys car (which he had to pay for due to not having broadform insurance) she then sued him for her $2,000 deductible, and won. Sucks to be him, maybe he does the speed limit now.

    EDIT: @ EricNau - what do you guys not understand about "she was doing 65mph is a 70mph zone" which she then lowered to 55mph after brakechecking me????????


    wow clearly no one in your family should not be hind the wheel of a car.
    You all do road rage.
    One day someone will pull a gun on you.
    Sadly the cop was a crappy investigatory because your mom did an illegally lane changed. plus road rage and really there was a lot of room to prove it but you had a lazy cop and then a mother who lies and teachers her son to lie and pull the same crap.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 10, 11:19 PM
    However, I was disappointed to learn that the 2nd processor could be only be used for little more than a coprocessor. So, I did some reading about the relationship of the Bus design, processor architecture and the OS. It made me appreciate Sparc a lot more.
    Were you reading propaganda from Sun, or something from an unbiased source?

    The P6 systems that you're talking about in the mid '90s were very similar in architecture to today's Intel systems.

    The P6 systems had a shared FSB, so memory bandwidth was shared by the two processors. The SPARC systems usually had a crossbar switch, so that in theory each CPU had a private memory path. (The Woodcrest systems have an FSB per socket, to a shared memory controller.)

    While the crossbar really shined when you had 32, 64 or more processors with many, many GiB of RAM - for a dual CPU system it really wasn't worth the cost.

    Woodcrest, the PPC G5, and AMD aren't using crossbar memory controllers today....

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Technorati: Sonal Chauhan
  • Technorati: Sonal Chauhan

  • Peikko
    Apr 30, 08:33 PM
    MSFT has not had a real hit in forever.
    Can't be bothered to check anything but the most recent past, so...

    Kinect Confirmed As Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device (

    Guinness World Records, the global authority on record breaking, today confirm that the Kinect for the Xbox 360 is the Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device. The hardware, that allows controller-free gaming, sold through an average of 133,333 units per day, for a total of 8 million units in its first 60 days on sale from 4 November 2010 to 3 January 2011.

    The sales figures outstrip both the iPhone and the iPad for the equivalent periods after launch. [...]

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Sonal Chauhan Photos, Sonal
  • Sonal Chauhan Photos, Sonal

  • Unorthodox
    Aug 28, 12:10 PM
    This Tuesday! This Tuesday!

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Wallpapers, Movies
  • Wallpapers, Movies

  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 03:38 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    If you compare their investment in R&D to what they manage to churn out, it's pretty sad.

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. sonal chauhan wallpaper
  • sonal chauhan wallpaper

  • iMikeT
    Aug 28, 12:34 PM
    Quiet upgrade tomorrow?

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Technorati: Sonal Chauhan
  • Technorati: Sonal Chauhan

  • whatever
    Oct 12, 02:18 PM
    there is no such thing as charity in america, it always comes through commerce. why not just donate the $200 bux? does a lot more than the 10 bux you are donating now, so you can justify getting a new ipod. hell i would buy a red ipod just cos of the color i don't see why the cos has to be associated with it, if they're gonna do this they might as well just donate 10% of all ipod sales. at least it does something more than haveing a "show off" recipet for your so called act of charity.

    "Hi i'm bono, there's a huge aids problem in africa and people don't pay attention, heres a new ipod"

    Alright, what is a "bux", "cos", "haveing", and "recipet".

    Perhaps you need to enroll in the ""The Derek Zoolander Center For Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too"

    The thing about this is that it allows Bono to use Apple and the iPod to bring further awareness to this cause.

    And as far as your comment "there is no such thing as charity in america, it always comes through commerce. why not just donate the $200 bux?", give me a FU^K1ng break! I can name one american who has donated more money from their pocket this year alone than any other country in the world combined. And that's just one American. And let's not even talk about what percentage of the hard working American's tax dollars goes to foreign aid.

    Granted it could be more in some areas (and less in many others), but don't make it look like we Americans are not charitable people.

    I apoligize for getting off topic. Whether or not you like U2 /Bono or Apple, I don't see why it's necessary to knock people who are trying to make a difference, no matter how large or small it may be, at least they're trying.

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  • sonal chauhan boyfriend sonal

  • sennekuyl
    May 3, 07:25 PM
    The whole point of Thunderbolt is you can daisy-chain devices (up to 6 I think), so one port goes a long way.

    Besides the three-monitor doohickery on the 27", I struggle to see why 95% of people would need two ports often. But still, nice to have :)

    The current implementation of TB requires that the Display be the last device in the chain. Ars Technica forums have a rumour it shall change (in the next version)

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Sonal Chauhan, Sonal Chauhan
  • Sonal Chauhan, Sonal Chauhan

  • danbolling
    Aug 31, 12:49 PM
    Some things are coming together that are not pointed out in the post about the upcoming new iTMS (iTunes Media Store)

    1) If the movies are only available in the US (at least initially), then this explains why Apple would not announce it at Paris Expo.

    2) Movies will be larger resolution, of course. This now makes the "Advance -> Convert Video for iPod" command make a lot more sense. This will be the easy way to get downloaded movies onto old (smaller resolution) video iPods. And, maybe new iPod nanos which will do video with smaller screens.

    3) And, of course, an updated video iPod is no surprise at this point. The details and the specs may be, but the update is not.

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Sonal Chauhan
  • Sonal Chauhan

  • bjdku
    Aug 31, 01:38 PM
    If that's true for an small format movie, the Itunes Movie store will bomb. There is no way in hell people will pay that money. Is better buy a DVD at your local store.
    Apple knows that, so that's why I am pretty sure it won't happen.

    I agree they know better, and who has been feverishly building bandwidth and capability to deliver full length full resolution movies...Google has.

    And who just joined the Apple Board, the Google CEO!!!!


    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Cute Sonal Chauhan Wallpaper
  • Cute Sonal Chauhan Wallpaper

  • freeny
    Sep 5, 12:39 PM
    I believe Apple has been waiting for all the planets to align. If there is going to be a movie service there will be a true "video iPod".

    They were whipped in the ass last time for the boom box release, they will be looking to gain back face this time around.

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Sonal Chauhan wallpapers
  • Sonal Chauhan wallpapers

  • linux2mac
    Mar 24, 11:45 AM
    That is the funny thing I was thinking about either going Linux (just so I don't need to listen to my mac wife tease me about my conversion to the light.) But if I want something that as you say "Just works" why go linux, I might fool around with that by setting my Dell up to dual boot, just upgraded it to 300 GB internal drive so plenty of space.

    I had also thought of grabbing a netbook, and making a hackintosh, but that isn't reliable or realistic for daily computing needs either.

    But I must say the thing that was perhaps the most instrumental in my thinking of going mac, was android.

    I wanted a phone that just worked and was looking at iPhone vs Android. In my opinion the iPhone is a more reliable platform, due to the fragmentation of droid. Too many manufacturers, with their own independent specs, and a separate entity creating the software.

    If you extrapolate the fragmentation of droid argument, it is an equally valid argument against windows.

    Apple is in my opinion the Volvo of the computer world. And at this point, working full time, while also taking night classes and working on an undergrad degree, a volvo is what I need.

    On a side note, I just went to the apple store, and looked at the 27" imacs....

    Ok, maybe I just should get one of those when they refresh. I thought my wife had the 27", but she must actually have the 24"

    Those 27" ones are very pretty. More space than I have on the 2 screens I have now combined. I could just use my Ipad 2 when I get one as a 2nd remote screen and call it a day. Damn they look nice.

    I think that is what my experience is turning into. Just swap for a iphone 4 and not caring as much about quad core.

    If you want to experiment with Linux I would say try Ubuntu or OpenSUSE 11.4 (just released). I liked the Linux desktop a lot, but I like Mac better due to stability of a *NIX system and its polished GUI over Linux. My server choice is still Linux but my desktop is Mac.

    The 27" iMacs are great. That was my first Mac ( October 2009). Mine is only a C2D and a lot of Apple haters here like to point out how inferior my processor is compared to similar priced Dells and HP's. But I am here to tell you that the C2D 27" iMac has been the best performing computer I have ever owned. And I have had Dell, HP, IBM, Compaq, VAIO notebooks and desktops. I have a Windows XP virtual machine on my Mac because I support a client that still uses a legacy Access application. XP runs better as a VM on my Mac than it ever did as a physical machine on my last C2D Dell boxes - LOL.

    I have had iPhone since it debuted in 2007. Best phone by far. Definitely wait for the refresh on the iMac and probably iPhone too (iPhone 5 due out soon).

    I've been told "Once you go Mac you don't go back!"

    Judging from my experience with my iPhone 3GS making me wanting to get an iMac 27" inch Quad Core I may agree.

    Its been true for me. ;)

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Hot Sonal Chauhan Wallpapers
  • Hot Sonal Chauhan Wallpapers

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 23, 04:05 PM
    It's quite predictable that when someone fails to prove their baseless arguments in this forum, they resort to the elementary school tactic of name-calling, such as "fanboys". Your "logic" and "scientific evidence" was flawed. Just because others didn't agree with you doesn't make them "fanboys". It just means they found your arguments unfounded.

    It's quite predictable that when someone says something you cannot successively argue with that you will post pages and pages of nonsense instead. You haven't said anything that makes sense in this entire thread (e.g. comparing a monogamous relationship with your wife to exposing your computer to hundreds of millions of computers on the Internet. It makes NO sense and yet there is NO POINT to arguing with that kind of illogical crap because you will defend it with yet more NONSENSE until the end of time itself).

    Furthermore, I wasn't talking to you. You clearly don't even KNOW the definition of a fanboy (it's not an insult, but a description of an emotional archetype type of poster) and then make false accusations of flaming while simultaneously supporting actual flamers like cwt1nospam (whose arguments you conveniently ignored TWICE just like I said). If you cannot "argue" based on all the evidence but just conveniently ignore anything that does not support your argument while attacking with anything that does and then pretending everyone else doesn't exist you've then proven you are not worth conversing with and thus my lack of replies to you. You will now predictably reply with yet more BS nonsense about how great your arguments are and how stupid everything I say is. Sorry, but I'm done playing your games.

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Sonal Chauhan
  • Sonal Chauhan

  • JGowan
    Sep 5, 05:14 PM
    I've seen some posts about transferring "that much data" in disbelief. I calculate that a two hour movie will no more about 450MB. I hope it is, of course. This is based on a 1-hr episode of Lost is about 200MB. I fudge in 50MB for the fact that each Lost episode never is EXACTLY 1 hour.

    I can transfer that size (450MB) from my ReplayTV wirelessly to my PowerBook in less than a half hour with my Airport Extreme Basestation.

    So... I see no problem. Perhaps the show will be delayed a little but not more than a few minutes

    Wallpapers Of Sonal Chauhan. Hot Sonal Chauhan Wallpapers
  • Hot Sonal Chauhan Wallpapers

  • barneygumble
    Jul 17, 07:43 PM
    All i can say is that i will buy a Core 2 Duo iMac when they come out and my parents will be buying a Core 2 Duo tower if such a thing is introduced (not mac pro):)

    law guy
    Sep 11, 08:38 PM
    This is huge news. Where is everybody?!? :confused:

    Am I the only one here who thinks this is gigantic news? I can hear a pin drop. The stunned silence is deafening. :eek: ;)

    I agree - this is really something. As has been noted, it's just huge the increase in a short amount of time - the original Core release was only a short while back, then Core 2 Duo - which just made it into the iMacs - and now the Core 2 Quad release date of Mid-October! The pace is just astounding.

    Not only that, but as Arn and others note, the Quad Xeons are on the way as well. So, there is the path for 8 core Mac Pros in the very near future.

    Quad core iMacs, 8 core PMs (opps, I mean Mac Pros) - oh my.

    This amazing chip release rate - and significant increases each - will really put Apple to the test in terms of updating products quickly to stay competitive in terms of hardware release. In the past, Apple had to deal with chip upgrades so infrequently. It's a great problem to have, I suppose.

    I also echo the comments above re: isn't this the kind of thing that makes you glad Apple switched to Intel? Absolutely.

    Sep 12, 09:11 PM
    I just updated my 5G, but I don't see the search function. Anyone else?

    Apr 19, 06:43 AM
    I wonder how long it will be until every tech company is suing every other tech company.

    This is getting silly!

    Apr 25, 01:35 PM
    Could just be me, but I think the design is perfect. Apple is still way ahead of the competition with the unibody design. How much better can it get?

    Mar 30, 12:43 PM
    Originally Posted by Vegasman
    Examples of uses (Dvorak in his references to "killer app"):


    What I understood is that the word "App" by itself is not the reason for the lawsuit, but the term "App Store" is; both words used together. .

    Correct. I was simply providing additional evidence that "app" was used before the App Store. Something the poster I was replying to was saying and something a lot of other posters are claiming is not true.

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