Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010


Do you have plans for Halloween? What do YOU like to dress up as? I LOVE dressing up! Being a woman it seems that no matter WHAT I dress up as each year I always have to buy the two following essentials: fishnets and fake eyelashes. HAHA!!! Although some people complain that Halloween is just an excuse for women to dress like skanks... I have to admit it IS fun to get dressed up and have an excuse to dress a little sexier than you normally would... Here is what I have been in the past few years...
2006 Flapper Girl! I got this costume from Value Village for around $30. They always have a great selection but shop early! My best friend Shannon made a super sexy Super Woman! We went to a great house party that is still legendary.. The same people are hosting this year YAY!
In 2007 we just had a low key Halloween which we vowed NEVER to do again.. It was the only Halloween of our lives we did not dress up and we regretted it... Sooo here is me on Halloween 2008. We went on a pub crawl and I was a naughty nurse ;)
I love going on pub crawl's at Halloween just to see all the different costumes. In 2008 we went on one and there were some great costumes! One of our good friend's Geordo did a great Mr. Clean!
Gotta love my buddy Travis' Hooters costume. He won an award for it and everything!
James had a cute costume I thought.. The board game Operation! His nose lit up as well which was funny.
In 2009 we did a "fairy theme".. From left to right we are the tooth fairy, forest fairy and I am the fluorescent fairy! I loved this costume! So cheap and the tights were a lot of fun. I used temporary pink hair dye as well.
I found the dress for $6 at Value Village and added multicolored pieces of fabric at the bottom by stapling them on. I LOVED THIS COSTUME! James is a hunter.. HAHA!
One of the best places you can find costumes is this AWESOME website! www.buycostumes.com ... Value Village is also great if you get there early enough and this year there are three ENORMOUS "Halloween Distributors" they have set up... One on McLeod Trail at about 40th Ave, in the same building as the Canyon Meadows movie theater and also Balzac has a huge one.. I just ordered our costumes off of BuyCostumes.com and this is what we are going to be this year :D
I AM GOING TO BE JANE JETSON! I am so pumped for this costume! And I don't even have to do my hair! YAY! HAHA! It was $56.99 on BuyCostumes. I have wanted to be Jane Jetson for a few years...
I ordered James this "George Jetson" costume for $39.99.. He is not super excited about it as he normally likes to be something really funny but I really wanted to do a couples thing this year.. He said he is going to "take one for the team" this year and next year this is what he wants me to be....
This is what James wanted to be... I just wasn't feeling it this year... Not sexy enough perhaps?? Maybe when I am prego will I feel like dressing as a box.. It is funny though... HEHEHE

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